Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Well, It's Been a While

Hey there kiddies!

As the title states, it has been a while since I've been on the horn here, and I'm not sure where to start. I guess I'd better start with our little addition, Penny! As I'm sure most of you have already seen on Jen's website, we got a new cat last month. She's a little 4 month old Calico kitten. She's really cute, with a lot of white, brown, black spots. I forget how to put a photo in this blog thingy, but I'll figure it out or work on getting that Flickr thing that ya'll seem to love so much. But back to Penny, we got her at the shelter, and for like 150 bucks they were going to throw in the adoption fee, first round of vaccinations, Spaying, and the GPS tracking chip or whatever they call it. I thought it was a good deal until I get the call from them that she is sick with an Upper Respitory Infection and can't go into surgery.

So that totally sucked, as we then had a new sick kitten. We had to give her medicine 3 times a day and make sure she eats and drinks. It took like 3 weeks of back and forth, but she's all better now. After a few visits to the vet, we found that other people who adopted cats at the shelter also caught the Upper respitory infection. Also about this infection, some cases, it's a form of Herpes and the cat can sometimes never recover fully from it. As you can guess, this kinda freaks us out.

But she's all better now, which is good. We keep her in the second bathroom when we sleep and when we're at work. I don't think she like it too much, cause every morning she hears our alarm clocks and starts meowing like crazy until we let her out. The same goes for when we come back from work, as soon as we step in the apt, she starts meowing.

So it's cool that she wants to play with us a lot. She is a little wierd though. We found out that she likes Audrey Hepburn. That's right, Audrey Hepburn. If you've seen that GAP commercial where she dances around against a yellow background to AC/DC's Back in Black. When it comes on, Penny just totally stares at the screen and if she's close to the screen, she paws at it. Another thing she does is attack the cursor on my computer when it's zipping around.

Ugh, it's getting late. I guess I'll update again later.

Until then.


At 8:52 AM, Blogger Sarah Levantine said...

Poor baby! My kitteh Dom has herpes in his eyes. his EYES. As long as he's not under any great stress it's okay, but once or twice a year he goes through the twice-daily torture of putting ointment in whichever eye has gotten squinty and gooey.

Mmm, time for breakfast...

At 9:29 PM, Blogger Jennifer Bullock OwYoung said...

Yeah that's the same deal with Penny. It's in her left eye.


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