The Little Blue Pill
A couple of weeks ago I watched the Matrix Triology and I started thinking, which pill would I really take? LuckilyI know what happens and how the war ends. Thinking about what is left, I'm not quite sure that I would have taken the red one like everyone expects us to. I admit I am a bit selfish, but I'm kinda thinking that living in the Matrix might be better than living in the real world.Looking at the world as it stands, Machines rule the surface, and non-jacked in humans are forced to live in the sewers like rats. The surface is a shithole where no sunlight passes through. There is no ecosystem, no plant life and no native animal life on the surface anymore. With no plant life, the atmosphere won't have any oxygen anymore. After Thomas Anderson's victory, I really can't think of what all of the fighting was for. The planet isn't worth it. The machines still dominate and it will only be a matter of time before they start fighting again. They really don't have any reason to let anyone in Zion live because Zion doesn't have anything the Machines want.
But now I want you to think of something, what pill would you take? Which one would you take after The Matrix? Which one would you take after The Matrix Reloaded? Which one would you take after The Matrix Revolutions?
After the Matrix, Thomas Anderson beats Agent Smith, proves he's "The One" and gives hope to the poor suckers still jacked in. I probably would have taken the Red pill, be a part of the action that would liberate us all. Things are looking up for humans.
After The Matrix Reloaded, I would have picked the blue pill. I just think it sucks that the fate of all humanity is left up to some asshole who is the biological equivalent of Danny DeVito in Twins. Zion is destroyed no matter what and one guy's choice could cause a system crash that could kill the billions of humans in their cozy little tubes. Following the Architect's description of the past 5 anomolys, the right choice is taken and I would have been safe in my tube.
After The Matrix Revolutions I still would have probably taken the blue pill. Peace is won, but it won't last. I think that being in the tube and knowing that the real world is out there would be enough for me.
Although Morpheus says I'd be a slave, I might have to agree with Cypher in the whole "ignorance is bliss" deal. Thinking of my existance outside the Matrix, I would be part of a crew, following orders and fighting a war that won't end and not really worth winning. Even though I'd only be used as a power source, I would be living my life as it is now, I'd have my friends, my family, everything would be as it is now. The Sky is blue, plants are growing, food is not regulated to the synthetic crap they have to eat. As being a power source, I wouldn't think of myself as a slave, basically because the Matrix does just a good job at making me think that my existance is my own. It's not forcing me to do anything I don't want to do. The one thing I think would suck the most is being in the wrong place in the wrong time and having an agent take over my body.
So I'm pretty sure what I would do, what pill would you take?
A little green one at night, or the orange one during the day. Mmm.
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