Hey there sports fans, so it's been a while so I'd like to start with something FUN and EXCITING!Soooo I bring my lunch to work on occasion and use the plastic Costco silverware the office supplies. I normally use a fork for lunch and a spoon for snack later.
Sometimes I find that the office manager doesn't keep up with inventory control, and spoons normally go first. This doesn't bother me too much since I can still eat lunch, but I do feel like a total Jackass later when I'm trying to eat yogurt with a fork. I eventually get the job done, but I feel kinda "special" while eating it.
This doesn't happen too often, but juuust enough to be a minor irritation. The worst part happens when they run out of forks. I realized this last week when I was forced to eat a green salad with a spoon. I was still able to get the job done, but it took me a lot longer and I was pretty sure each minute it took me to eat it, my I.Q. was dropped one point.
So after this intellectually stimulating and challenging lunch, I decided to find my own silverware to bring to work. I saw some fork/knife/spoon combos at like Container store and stuff, but those cost close 14 bucks a piece. I wanted something a little cheaper, so the Google Gods lead me to this interesting website.
I was intrigued, complete fork on one end and spoon on the other? No weak-ass tiny tines of traditional Sporks! So I started small and bought a 4-pack of assorted plastic ones,

They haven't come in yet, but if they work as I'm hoping they do, I will upgrade to the Titanium model.

You know it baby! Titanium SPORK! Take that plastic silverware that makes me feel foolish! So I'll try to remember to re-post when the first ones come in to let ya'll know how they work out. (I say I will try to remember, but I probably won't).