Monday, November 06, 2006


Ok, last Friday I was driving home and I was listening to the Tom Leykis show on Live 106.9 Free FM. This show basically has people calling in about their relationships and break up stories and things like that, but what got me this day was this particular caller.

This woman named Sue was calling from New Mexico or Arizona and she was telling Tom her story, her story was that she had a one-night stand with a guy and got pregnant. She told the guy but he didn't care, so she had the baby and then went to him for child support payments. He didn't want to pay, but she knew where he worked and got a court order to garnish his wages. He obviously didn't like that, so he quit his job, so she wouldn't get anything. She got pissed off, went over to his house, told him to give her money, he said no, so she shot him.

At this point Tom was very suprised and asked if she killed him. She said stuff like, "Yep, shot him twice in the heart." and "I'm a nurse too, so I knew exactly where to aim." Tom then asked what happened then, were you arrested, and she said "Nope! When the cops came over I told them he was drunk and shot himself, when they did a toxology report they found his blood alcohol level to be three times the legal limit, so they believed me and I never was arrested."

So Tom said wait a minute, and went over the entire story again with her step by step and all the time she was recanting her story, I could tell she was very proud of herself about how she killed this guy and didn't get arrested, but I was also thinking something pretty much along the same lines as what Tom did next. Tom's last recap of the story was that she wasn't arrested or put to trial, so he asked her if she relized that she just confessed to Murder on a nationally broadcasted radio show. He said that if she gets arrested, they can play this recording to a jury and she'll go to jail. She started to say how she didn't think that would happen, but Tom said that she called a 800 number to talk to him, and since they pay for that service, they get a log of every number that calls them. She then said that didn't matter either because she's using a friend's cell phone. He then told her that (obviously) didn't matter because when the police track down her friend, her friend will likely give her up. At that time there was a silence and then a dial tone blared on the speakers.

So she straight hung up on him and he was pretty mad about it. Not about the hang-up, but that she was stupid enough to say on the radio that she killed a guy. He said in his 23 years on the radio he's never heard anything like that, and he was totally prepared to assist the police in any way possible and was telling his producer or someone on the show to get that recording and the phone number ready. Sue was also dumb enough to tell Tom what town she was living in at the time as well. Tom then said on the air that if anyone from that town knew that voice, to call them then the police in the area and have her arrested. He also said that if anyone dropped any info that leads to the arrest and conviction of that person, he would give them $5000.00 of his own cash.

The next 15 mins or so after that was basically people calling in saying how dumb she was and how she'll so go to jail and stuff, so I basically turned the station at that point. I was really suprised that someone was really stupid enough to call in and brag about that. Now I know I hardly know jack shit about the law and penalties past what I've seen on "The Practice" and the occasional episode of "Law and Order", (the original one, not any of the spinoffs), but I do remember that there are no statute of limitations on Murder in this counrty, and this person is very likely going to jail. I also know that the fact that she didn't have a trial, and was not aquitted of any charges mean that she's not protected by "Double Jeopardy".

I don't think there could have been anything else she could say to give away who she was, she said her first name, which could have been fake, but she also said what town she was from, around what time this happened and what profession she was in. That with the "friends" phone number trace from Tom's studio hopefully means that the police will pick her up soon and arrest her for killing that guy. So I'm pretty shocked about this and that the fact that she sounded very pleased with herself when she explained what she did and what she told the police, and that she didn't hang up until Tom explained to her that she could still be prosecuted for this makes me think she didn't make it up.


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