Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The End of a Tradition

As many of you might not know, but my Birthday is coming up this Friday. As such, as many of you do know, I normally put together a big dinner and invite everyone I know, some I don't, and everyone in between. I've always enjoyed these get toghethers, as it's always fun to have everyone at the same place hanging out. Getting everyone there always involved lots of planning, annoying phone calls in August, emails, evites and all sorts of modern day communications to organize it. As many others have tried getting large scale parties at the right time at the right place, it is an endeavor, and for me I think most of the fun is in the setup as much as the event itself. I think it's part of my ongoing God Complex.

So you might have noticed that this past few months, none of it has happened from my part. I find it kind of weird that my Birthday, an event that I hold very sacred, is kind pissing by this year. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not feeling depressed or anything, I think I'm just being lazy this year. I'm not entirely sure why I'm not more weirded out by this, but I'm sure it'll hit me sometime this week.

I know I'm being narsisstic about this, and I know that not everyone takes their birthday's differently, some march defiantly into the future denying the fact that they are getting older, others just want it to pass by as another day, nothing special, and some actually get close to forgetting. Not me though, I alwasys think of my Birthday as a grand celebration of the day I entered this world, and another year I've been able to flourish. I enjoy life and any excuse to celebrate the wonder that is Me.

So after reading this over again, I think I'm starting to bum myself out that this year I haven't planned anything. But if anyone out there has any other ideas, let me know, or even any plans or ideas for a fun weekend. I'm going to get going now and get some sleep. I hope my random thought of my birthday don't worry any one else, not should you even think about it 13 seconds after you stop readng this post.

Until next time...