Hell, or something just like it
Well today I finally knew what it was like to be in hell. Jen and I went to Michael's so she could do some holiday shopping. For those of you who don't know, Michael's is a super store that sells all sorts of arts and crafts stuff. It has pretty much everything you need for any creative craft project. So, needless to say I never buy anything there. So I was following Jen around as she was buying stuff for her projects as we normally do and then we made it to the checkstands.As this place is big sometimes the lines to get your stuff are pretty long and if they don't have checkers, it's almost as bad as returning something at Fry's. So at this particular checkstand, they only had 2 checkers, and the line was about 15 people long. So of course, there was one woman at one of the checkstands who must have had at least 50 little and big items in a friggen shopping cart. At this point there were about 7 people in front of us and the other guy who wasn't working so fast either. So this lady was taking forever at the line, her pissant kid was running around all over the place, and she kept yelling every 5 minutes or so to tell the kid to stay close.
So already it was a shitty day at work, and now I'm stuck in this line for a store which I'm not even buying anything at and there seems to be no end to. I realized that I was either in Hell, or if I knew I was going to Hell, but haven't reached it yet, it would look exactly like the line I was waiting in at Michael's. I think the proper term is purgatory, the inbetween of heaven and Hell, but this line felt like the border line of Purgatory to Hell.
To make things worse, after the lady finally got her items rung up, she paid by CHECK! Damn check! Which of course the cashier had to see some ID and write some crap on it and this lady didn't even have a proper ID, but had to show some stupid paper or something which the cashier needed to get another confirmation from the OTHER fucking cashier! This meant that NOBODY was ringing up stuff and the line ground to an immediate halt.
After what seemed like an Eternity, the lady was finally done and she was walking out, but her kid wasn't with her, she was almost out the door and realized her kid was still by the candy endcap looking at candy, she bellowed another yell to her spawn and the kid ran to her, but he had a roll of bubble tape with him. He totally took the shit and everyone saw it. The cashier told him to bring it back and the other cashier saw it too, but they were too busy to walk over. Luckily the mom saw it and yelled at her kid to put it back.
I was quite amazed at the length of time I was in the line and that this lady was able to do everything that was humanly possible to keep the line stalled. So I figured if I wasn't in Hell, I was defiantly standing in line to get in the front door.